Having presented in various national and international conferences, for both scientific and clinical communities, I have published numerous articles and book chapters, and appeared in popular media to discuss substance use, internet addiction and other psychological conditions.
Problem gambling is on the rise among young men. The Wall Street Journal. 2022.
Are you addicted to your screen devices? WPVI News ABC. 2013.
Prof advises students to track social media usage. The Daily Pennsylvanian. 2013.
"Fortnite" frenzy takes over gaming world. WPVI News ABC. 2018.
Adults succumbing to "Fortnite" frenzy. WPVI News ABC. 2018.
Suh (2008). Self medication hypothesis research: Study of affect regulation and drug preference. In Khantzian & Albanese, Understanding addiction as self-medication: Finding hope behind the pain. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Gottdiener & Suh (2015). Psychodynamic approaches to understanding and treating substance use disorders: Theory, research, and treatment. In Luyten, Mayes, Fonagy, Target, & Blatt (Eds.), Handbook of Contemporary Psychodynamic Approaches to Psychopathology. New York: Guildford.
Suh (2018). Self-medication hypothesis: Connecting affective experience and drug choice. In Khantzian, Treating Addiction Beyond the Pain. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Scientific Journals
Suh, Ruffins, Robins, Albanese & Khantzian (2008). Self-medication hypothesis: Connecting affective experience and drug choice. Psychoanalytic Psychology.
Suh, Pettinati, Kampman & O’Brien (2008). Gender differences in predictors of treatment attrition with high-dose naltrexone in cocaine and alcohol dependence. American Journal on Addictions.
Suh, Langleben, Ehrman, Hakun, Wang, Li, Busch, O’Brien & Childress (2009). Low prefrontal perfusion linked to depression symptoms in methadone-maintained opiate-dependent patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Goldman, Ehrman, Suh, Hurt, Marquez, Franklin, O’Brien, Childress. (2015). “Spiders-No, puppies-Go,” introducing a novel Go NoGo task tested in inner city adolescents at risk for poor impulse control. Journal of Adolescence.
Wang, Suh, Franklin, O’Brien, Childress. (2015). Hyper-connected but less efficient small-world network in the substance-dependent brain. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.